McCarthy Engineering celebrated for all of our clients, vendors and the construction industry itself as all construction that adheres to CDC and PA Department of Health guidelines issued by Gov. Tom Wolf to prevent the spread of COVID-19 resumed May 1 one week earlier than previously announced.
“The construction industry is the backbone of Berks County, Pennsylvania and America. Resuming construction is a huge step in returning the Country to prosperity. McCarthy Engineering is here to do our part and assist this vital industry sector,”
says Jim McCarthy, President McCarthy Engineering.
The guidance, developed by the General Contractors Association of Pennsylvania, provides universal protocols for all construction activity, as well as specific additional guidance for residential, commercial and public construction projects.
Some requirements are:
• All employees and every person at a work site must wear masks unless they are unable for medical or safety reasons.
• All construction projects must maintain proper social distancing with staggering shifts and breaks and provide hand washing and sanitizing stations for workers, as well as cleaning and sanitizing protocols for high risk transmission areas.
• Use virtual meetings, and disseminate information electronically to the extent feasible.
• Prohibit unnecessary visitors to any project or work site, and limit supplier deliveries.
• Appoint a “Pandemic Safety Officer” for each project or work site.
Previously, the state closed all construction projects unless they were supporting life-sustaining businesses or activities or were granted an exemption to perform or support life-sustaining activities.
McCarthy was happy to be here to assist you our clients during COVID-19 and looks forward to working with you well past COVID-19! As always if you have any questions we are here for you please contact our team at 610-373-8001.
Full guidelines can be found at: