Dylan Miller Intern Follow Up What was one thing in the engineering field you learned at York College that benefited you the most while at McCarthy Engineering? One thing that benefited me the most while interning at McCarthy Engineering was my prior course work in stormwater design. During my studies at York College of Pennsylvania, I took a lot of classes on this topic so I had a lot of knowledge coming into my internship. I spent the majority of my internship working on stormwater design … [Read more...]
Meet McCarthy Engineering InternsDylan Miller and Michael Perkins
Meet McCarthy’s Intern: Dylan Miller Tell us about your schooling. I am a senior at York College of Pennsylvania. I have already completed all my courses so I am working on my third and final internship which is my last requirement before graduating. I will be graduating in May 2022 with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. Why did you want to pursue a degree in engineering? Ever since I was young, I had an interest in architecture and an appreciation for the beauty in … [Read more...]
Final Interview with McCarthy Engineering Associate’s
Fall Intern Connor Becker
What was one thing in the engineering field you learned at York College that benefitted you the most while at McCarthy Engineering? The Hydraulics and Hydrology courses I took at York College benefitted me the most while interning at McCarthy Engineering Associates. The timing was perfect because I completed the courses in the Summer right before starting at McCarthy. I was able to apply the design techniques and methodology taught to the field during my internship. What was one … [Read more...]
Meet McCarthy Engineering AssociatesFall Intern Connor Becker
Tell us about your schooling. I am a senior at York College of Pennsylvania. My major is Civil Engineering with a focus on construction and structural design but my course load offers so much diversification that I have gained exposure in all aspects of Civil Engineering. What makes York College different is that you go to school year round. Our school structure is unique since we have trimesters. In four years you graduate with a Bachelor’s degree and a full year of in-field internship … [Read more...]
McCarthy Engineering Creates New Experiences for Interns
In the beginning of the Summer, we had the opportunity to meet McCarthy Engineering’s most recent interns, Kyle Coldren and Anderson Deutschman. Now their internships are coming to an end, and it is time to hear about their experiences at McCarthy. What is one thing in the engineering field you learned at college that benefited you the most while at McCarthy Engineering? Kyle: At Penn State University, I learned to use engineering software programs such as AutoCAD. Even though AutoCAD is … [Read more...]